"Reshaped" delves into a reflection on the nature of reality, inspired by Fisher's theories on capitalist realism. Through the metaphor of "shapeshifting," a concept widely employed in mythological folklore, it explores the possibilities of transformation and change, and the entrenched dichotomies between the human and the technological, as well as between the Eastern and Western. Compiling diverse segments filmed between Tokyo and Rome, it constitutes a conceptual corpus that delves into the complexities of the interaction of the female body with virtual presence in the current cultural context. This theoretical approach drives a critical review of the interaction between digitization and contemporary society, revealing the complex cultural and philosophical ramifications that stem from this relationship. The work articulates a visual narrative that examines the mutation of the female body and its symbiosis with technology, and its impact on body perception. Through an aesthetic influenced by the reflections of the Japanese philosopher Tanizaki, characterized by intermittency, shadow, and reflection, a juxtaposition is exercised against the Western notion of beauty linked to brightness.